2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - >>>> |
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! |
18-12-2023: Too love is to let go....
Today co-parent Tom, in consultation with us, decided to put Roxy (Rostelley's Angels Hold onto Dreams) to sleep. Roxy turned out to be suffering from congenital
kidney failure, a mistake of nature and stupid bad luck, as the vet called it. We sympathize with Tom who gave Roxy a golden home and saw her as his little princess that he could only enjoy for 7 months....
Thank you Tom, for your love and care of Roxy...
15-12-2023: Now that the show year has ended, we can look back to a great start to Dax's show career: started in the junior class at the beginning of the year and ended in the intermediate class with 7 titles so far.
and enough CACs in the Netherlands to become champion but still far too young to finish. And with his show results in the Netherlands he can call himself the Best Miniature Pinscher of the VFLD AND he has
achieved 1st place in the Winner of Winners competition of the Dutch Kennel Club (= best Miniature Pinscher in the Netherlands). And all thanks to the enthusiasm of co-parent Gijs who gives him a more than
golden home and happily shows him everywhere. Thank you Gijs, we are very proud of you!
I myself have only participated in one show with our dogs at home this year for the simple reason that
they have already achieved everything within our capabilities. With a bit of luck, maybe in a year's time we'll be back at a show every now and then ;o)
11-12-2023: This weekend the last show of the year was held in the Netherlands; the Christmas show in Gorinchem. Dax and Gijs were there again and Dax ended the year in style: best male with CAC/CACIB and Best of Breed!! This show also marked the debut for Barry (Rostelley's Angels Home Improvement). At just 6 months old he was allowed to participate in the puppy class. Owner Gideon had clearly practiced which resulted in a 1st place with Very Promising and a super judge report! Who knows, maybe be the start of more showing for Barry ;o)
27-11-2023: Last weekend the show weekend of the year was organised: the Fryslan Cup on Friday and the Winner Show on Saturday (for our breed). Dax was entered for both shows and became like always
perfectly handled by Gijs. It would be a weekend of extremes. On Friday the result was above expectations; Dax became best male with CAC and CACIB and Best of Breed. In the ring of honor
Dax became 4th in breed group 2!!
On Saturday the judge was knowledgeable but very strict on size and that resulted in the qualification "good" for Dax with a perfect judging report. Of the 9 entered
minpins 4 of them got a G, 3 of them got a vg and 2 of them an U.
25-09-2023: Yesterday the annual championship club match of the VFLD (miniature pinscher association in the Netherlands) was held. We went to this show without expectations and with beautiful weather
for an outdoor show to Gorinchem. I had registered Viva, Veera and Dax. Paddy from our G-litter was also registered. It was a more than successful day!
Paddy was in puppy class and had never walked in
the ring before, not even for practice. Nevertheless, the judge was pleased with his qualities and awarded him 1st place with "very promising". Later he became BOB-Puppy and BIS-2 puppy!!
At the end of
last year I decided that Viva had walked her last show at the Winnershow. But when I see her moving on our daily walks with a beautiful floating gait, I decided to register her one last time at the clubmatch
at the age of 14.5 years!!. And what a day it turned out to be for her; she won the veteran class with 1 Excellent and with one of the most beautiful judging reports ever: "impressive b/t bitch, has about
everything the standard requires!" Afterwards she also became BOB Veteran and was allowed to compete for the best bitch. And .....she became "RESERVE BEST BITCH"!!. And Finally she became BEST in SHOW
VETERAN!! Wow....what a conclusion to her show career!!
But then Dax. He probably gave us the biggest surprise; This time I showed Dax and he got 1 Excellent in the intermediate class. Later he was
quite easily chosen as Best Male, which we were already very happy and proud with. But if you can compete for best of breed, it becomes very exciting. But also that choice was made quite quickly by the judge;
Dax became BEST of BREED and so he can carry the title "CLUBWINNER 2023"!!. In the best in show competition he became "reserve BEST in SHOW". We are so proud of our Finnish prince; so young and already won so
much this year! With great thanks to co-owner Gijs who takes him to dogshows everywhere with great pleasure and pride
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17-09-2023: This weekend Gijs and Dax were at the double show of Maastricht were Dax was shown in intermediate class for the first time with great results: Day 1: EXC.1 - best male - CAC - CACIB - BOS. Day 2: EXC.2 - reserve best male - res.CAC - res.CACIB
12-09-2023: Finally had some time to update the website with Roxy's own page, offspring Phoebe, bred by us, some new pics here and there and showresults of Dax.
28-08-2023: The "World Dogshow 2023" was held in the last couple of days, this time in Geneva, Switzerland. Gijs and Dax were also present again. This time Beer was also entered because afterwards the whole family went on vacation in the area. Unfortunately the judge was not very consistent with his judging and both Beer and Dax were measured as the only dogs. Both dogs are indeed quite large and therefore both received a VG. Pity! Although the winning dogs are absolutely beautiful dogs, most of these were also quite big. Something I personally have no problem with, however all dogs should be judged with the same standards.....
.06-08-2023: And again Dax was successful! This time at the national show in Rotterdam. He was entered in the intermediate class for the first time. He became best male with CAC and then Best of Breed!! He is now 15 months old and he already has enough CAC's for the Dutch championship but has to wait until he is 27 months to make the title final.
25-06-2023: There seems to be no end to the winnings of Dax! We are so proud of this young boy. Just 13 months and already won so much. And this weekend he added 3 more titles to his name!
Gijs and Dax have traveled to the show of Aarau in Switserland. In 2 days there were 3 shows organised. The main goal was to get the last needed cacib-j to become international juniorchampion, the rest would
be just a bonus. The goal was reached and more then that: Aarau I (cacib) -> EXC.1 / JCAC / JCACIB / BOB-junior / Alpen Jugend Sieger / INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMPION / Best male 2.
Aarau II (cac) -> EXC.1 / JCAC / BOB-junior / best male 2. Aarau III (cacib) -> EXC.1 / JCAC / JCACIB / SWISS JUNIOR CHAMPION / best male / BEST of BREED!!. We are super proud of Dax and his co-owner Gijs,
just an amazing team they both are!!
29-05-2023: Today our H-litter was born: 1 b/t male and 1 b/t female. Proud parents are Phoebe & Misha.
28-05-2023: And today Gijs and Dax were present at the Pinkstershow in Gorinchem (NL) and with great succes! Dax won the juniorclass with JCAC and CACIB-J and became BOB-Junior. But that was not all; he also became best male with CAC and later BEST of BREED!! What a topteam you both are!
27-05-2023: Today Gijs and Dax travelled to the show of Wieze (B). Dax won the juniorclass with JCAC and is now BELGIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION! He also became BOB-junior and got the title "Hopprins 2023"
25-05-2023: Today Dax was tested for heriditary eye diseases and the result was: FREE, without remarks.
21-05-2023: Gijs and Dax took a trip to Denmark to compete at the "European dogshow 2023" and "Agria Winner show 2023". On Thursday it was the EDS and 89 minpins were entered, 12 of them in male junior class.
With a high number of male juniors and a strict judge, Dax got a VG. On Friday there were 63 minpins of which 10 in junior male class. This time Dax got Excellent and 5th placed. With these high quality
of males and great number of entry we can only be proud of the achieved results!
A nice side event was the possibility for Gijs to meet the breeder of Dax (Marika) and Dax re-united with his breeder.
There was defenate recoqnision! Also Dax got to meet his father Redi.
07-05-2023: Yesterday Gijs and Dax went to the show of Gent (B). It turned out to be a long day! Dax won the juniorclass with JCAC and became best junior male with CACIB-J and BOB-Junior. On top of that he became BEST MALE and finally BEST of BREED!! So proud of you both, you are a topteam!!
05-05-2023: Today Dax had is mandetory patella luxation examination and the result was: 0/0 no remarks.
16-04-2023: Yesterday Gijs and Dax went to the dogshow of Antwerp to start a possible juniorchampion in Belgium as well. And again they did a great job! Dax got EXC.1 in juniorclaas with JCAC and CACIB-J, BOB-junior and reserve best male. So proud of you both, you are a top team!!
09-04-2023: Yesterday we were in a small village called Wilhelminadorp for the Outdoor Zeeland show. A very exiting day since Dax could win his first official title. And he did just that! Dax again won EXC. 1 in juniorclass and reserve best male with res.CAC. With this result he now is DUTCH JUNIOR CHAMPION! And only in 3 shows straight! Thank you so much Gijs for show Dax so well, you both are a top team!
20-03-2023: Yesterday Gijs and Dax went to the show of Hazerswoude-Dorp (NL). And again they both did super. Dax won EXC.1 / CACIB-J / res.CAC. The res.CAC will be CAC since the best male is already Dutch champion.
19-03-2023: The puppy male from our G-litter with the very suitable name Rostelley's Angels Great Charisma (because that is what he has!) moved to his forever home. He will be called "Paddy". Good luck with this special boy Nicole!
06-03-2023: Yesterday it was the big debut of Dax in juniorclass. Co-owner and care-taker Gijs went to the show of Groningen (NL). He showed Dax perfectly which resulted in a perfect score: EXC.1 / CACIB-J / res.CAC / Best-Junior!
18-01-2023: On 11 January our G-litter was born. Mother Yinthe is a proud mother of 1 b/t female and 1 red male. Since Yinthe does not produce enough milk, we are bottle-feeding the puppies. Unfortunatelly the b/t female passed away yesterday, we will never know why.... The red male is doing perfectly!
01-01-2023: A happy and healthy 2023 from all of us at Rostelley's Angels Kennel!
2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - >>>> |